And then...because I'm the parent and's a pic of my daughter, Cindy, hard at work at McDonalds.
I'm hoping that this will make her realize she needs a lot more education in order for this to not be her future. She has a free ride to college if she can get her high school grades up and keep them there. It's all up to her now...
In other news, here at Casa One I, I screwed up my arm and had to stop sewing for a bit. I also, joined Curves and discovered that I need to lose a full person. I don't care for her anyway since she's a fatty, so I'm going to be working hard to leave her behind. Wish me luck! I joined a sewing group at the Senior Center here in town, too. I'm not a senior yet, but I qualify since my husband is. I knew his age would come in handy one day. I'm sure there's more that has been going on, but can't think of what it is. Cindy has recovered from the flu, but she missed a full week of school. And now....back to the sewing machine!
The aprons are super cute! I hope Cindy learns the lesson, college is so worth it. Glad to hear she's feeling better. The flu sucks. Hope to hear more about your "senior" friends. My dad's a senior too, so my mom knows how you feel. Best of luck on the weight loss. It's a constant battle for me too, but so far I'm winning.
Love those aprons. So cute and bright and PRACTICAL!! I can't tell you how many times wearing an apron has saved whatever I was wearing underneath. I am so glad they are back in vogue. I always felt like an old lady wearing one!
Fast food jobs are the perfect way to get a young person to see the value of higher education!
Both my girls work at Wendy's part time and now one is in university and the other is in college.... (Meagan says working in the fast food industry is "Livin' the Dream!" .... insert sarcasm here...)
You have been very busy, great aprons. Now I need to get my butt in gear. Whatever happens and you loose that other person PLEASE don't send her my way I have my own to loose.
Love the aprons......they look better in other person is trying to kill me!!!!!!Help!!!!!!
LOL! I have an AARP card because of my hubby. I am not even 40 yet!!!
I am dieting too.......where did all this fat come from....I think people keep losing it and I keep finding it!
Its so hard to try teach lessons to kids...they just don't know what is at stake.....hopefully she'll learn that hard physical labor is not what she wants for herself forever. Give her credit for working though..there is no shame in a job well done no matter where it is done! It is a good starting place and has help many young people get where they need to go. thanks McDonalds!
Happy Sewing
Catchin' up with this past too, Regina.
First, gosh! The aprons are super cute---how simple is that pattern? Two fabrics (lining and outer) or just one? Gosh---seems like minimal sewing! I may have to tinker with that today--my sis (K-garten teacher) would LOVE some!!!
That's a little bit of Luck and a whole lot of Determination being sent your way ;0) My mother had huge success once she finally set her mind to it and went from 215 to 135 (back in 1990's)! It took time for her and will take time for you too.....but one little quote....
every little bit will get you there....
The aprons are great and man...I'm surprised Cindy hasn't hacked into your computer and taken that picture off!! How did you hurt your arm you HST making fiend??
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